Forward Exchange Contract
Forward Contract - IDBI Bank Forward Exchange Contract
Loan Equivalent Risk (LER) limit is sanctioned to Corporates for potential fluctuation in the contractual currency of a foreign exchange transaction (forward / option) undertaken over the transaction's stipulated time period, as determined using the historical volatility of the contractual currency. Forward Exchange / option contracts can be used to cover exchange risk between an overseas currency and local currency or between two overseas currencies. The contract may be entered into at any time and can be used to cover both trade and Non trade transactions.
With IDBI Bank, corporates can book:
INR-USD, INR-EURO, INR-GBP, INR-JPY etc; contracts
Cross Currency Forward Contracts
Fixed Date Delivery and Option delivery Contracts
We also offer forward contract facility based on past performance basis as a declaration limit.
Simple Documentation
Rates on fax / phone