Domestic Interest Rates


As per RBI mandate, Savings Bank interest will be calculated on the daily balances maintained in your account, at a rate of interest decided by the Bank from time to time.

Savings Bank Rate (w.e.f. August 01 ,2024)

Saving Balance Rate of Interest (% p.a.)
Up-to Rs.1Lakh 2.75
Above Rs.1 Lakh-Rs.5 Lakh 2.90
Above Rs.5 lakh to  Rs.5 crore 3.00
Above Rs. 5 crore to 100 crore 3.25
Above Rs.100 crore to Rs.1000 crore 3.50
Above Rs.1000 crore to Rs.1500 crore MIBOR + 10 bps p.a.
Above Rs.1500 crore to Rs.2000 crore MIBOR + 40 bps p.a.
Above Rs.2000 crore to Rs.5000 crore MIBOR + 75 bps p.a.
Above Rs.5000 crore MIBOR + 65 bps p.a.


  • MIBOR linked floating Saving Bank Rate (w.e.f February 08, 2025)
  • MIBOR linked floating interest rate will be applicable on entire balance (all rates applicable on the end of the day balances) if the balance exceeds Rs. 1,000 crore based on the slab as above.
  • For more details on the MIBOR Linked Floating Interest rate, please contact your Relationship Manager or visit your nearest IDBI Bank Branch.
  • Interest rate for Rs. 1,000 crore and below savings bank account balances, interest rate slab shall be applicable as per existing interest rate structure of savings bank deposit.
  • With effect from February 1,2021, Interest Rate on Savings Deposits is calculated on the basis of incremental balance slabs.
Base Rate (w.e.f. April 12,2019) 9.65%
Current BPLR (w.e.f. April 12,2019) 14.15%

Marginal Cost of Fund Based Lending Rate ( MCLR ) w.e.f. 12-03-2025

Tenor MCLR
Overnight MCLR 8.45%
One Month MCLR (1M) 8.60%
Three Month MCLR (Q) 8.90%
Six Month MCLR (HY) 9.15%
One year MCLR (Y) 9.20%
Two Year MCLR (2Y) 9.75%
Three Year MCLR (3Y) 10.15%

Fixed Deposits Interest Rate

The Bank pays interest on deposits as per various deposit schemes. Interest Rates are revised from time to time and made known to public. Revised interest rates are applicable only to the renewals and fresh deposits while existing deposit continue to get interest at the contracted rate

Interest Rate on Term Deposits (w.e.f. December 23, 2024)

Resident Term Deposit / NRO for deposit less than Rs. 3 Crore #
For interest rate on NRE Term Deposit click here.
Interest Rate (% p.a.)
Retail Term Deposits (< 3 Cr)
Maturity Slab General Customers Sr. Citizen
0-6 Days NA NA
07-30 days 3.00 3.50
31-45 days 3.25 3.75
46- 60 days 4.50 5.00
61- 90 days 4.75 5.25
91 days to 6 months 5.50 6.00
6 months 1 day to 270 Days 6.00 6.50
271 days to < 1 year
(except 300 Days)
6.25 6.75
1 Year to 2 Years
(except 375 Days,444 Days, 555 days & 700 Days)
6.80 7.30
> 2 Years to <3years 7.00 7.50
3 years to 5 years 6.50 7.00
>5 years to 10 years 6.25 6.75
>10 years to 20 years$ 4.80 5.30
Tax Saving FD
5 Years 6.50 7.00

$ Maturity bucket is eligible only for deposits from following beneficiaries (with effect from January 1st, 2021).

1) Awards from Motor Accident Tribunal / Courts / Other Judicial/ Statutory Bodies, 2) Specific Cases of margin money for Bank Guarantees

General Terms & Conditions:

  • Tenure for NRO Term Deposit is 07 days to 10 years.
  • Tenure for NRE Term Deposit is 1 year to 10 years.
  • Staff & Sr. Citizen rates are not applicable to NRO & NRE Term Deposits.
  • No interest is paid if the deposit is held for the tenure of below 7 days, the minimum period for Term Deposits as per RBI guidelines.
  • Interest payable on prematurely withdrawn deposits will be the rate applicable for the amount and the period for which the deposit remained with the Bank (rate applicable for that tenure on the original date of the deposit). To illustrate as an example, if a deposit is placed for 5 years and after 1 year the depositor wants to close the deposit prematurely, then the interest rate applied will be the rate which was applicable for one year on the original date of deposit.
  • Bank will levy a penalty of 1%, on the applicable rate for deposits closed prematurely. Such closures include the withdrawals through sweep-ins and partial withdrawals as well.
  • Effective from June 10, 2024, the maximum Retail Term Deposit(RTD) threshold has been enhanced to < Rs 3 Crores, from previously < Rs 2 Crores, as per RBI directives.

Utsav Callable FD (Revised Rates w.e.f. December 23, 2024):

Introduction of new Utsav FD tenure for 555-Day effective from December 23, 2024. The existing special tenures under Utsav FD extended up to March 31, 2025

The interest rate structure is as under:

Interest Rate (% p.a.)
Special Buckets General/NRE/NRO Senior Citizens Super Senior Citizens
(January 13, 2025)
300 Days 7.05 7.55 7.55
375 Days 7.25 7.75 7.90
444 Days 7.35 7.85 8.00
555 Days 7.40 7.90 8.05
700 Days 7.20 7.70 7.85

General Terms and Conditions for UTSAV FD-

  • Tenure of 300 Days not applicable for NRE Deposits.
  • Premature withdrawal / closure permitted.
  • Staff, Senior Citizen and Super Senior Citizen Rates are not applicable to NRO & NRE term Deposits
  • All other features of term deposit as well as terms and conditions shall remain unchanged and are applicable for the above scheme also.

IDBI Chiranjeevi-Super Senior Citizen FD (Effective from January 13, 2025):

Introduction of IDBI Chiranjeevi-Super Senior Citizen FD exclusive for resident individuals aged 80 years and above effective from January 13, 2025.

The interest rate structure is as under:

Interest Rate (% p.a.)
Special Buckets Senior Citizens
375 Days 7.90
444 Days 8.00
555 Days 8.05
700 Days 7.85

General Terms and Conditions -

  • Rates applicable only for resident super senior citizens aged 80 years and above
  • Premature withdrawal / closure permitted.
  • Retired Staff Super Senior Citizen & General Super Senior Citizen Rates are not applicable to NRO & NRE term Deposits.
  • IDBI Chiranjeevi-Super Senior Citizen FD rates will remain valid only for the duration of the respective Utsav FD buckets.
  • All other features of term deposit as well as terms and conditions shall remain unchanged and are applicable for the above scheme also.

Floating Rate Term Deposit

ANCHOR Rate Details (%)
Applicable to FRTDs opened- up to Oct 30, 2018 from Nov 1, 2018  
Treasury Bill Auction undertaken by RBI during Quarter Average of Weighted Avg. Yield of Anchor Rate applicable for Quarter
  364 -Days Treasury Bill 91-Days Treasury Bill  
Jan 01-Mar31, 2023 7.14 6.66 Apr 01-June 30, 2023
Apr 01- June 30, 2023 6.96 6.81 Jul 01-Sept 30, 2023
July 01-Sept 30, 2023 6.99 6.79 Oct 01-Dec 31, 2023
Oct 01- Dec 30, 2023 7.15 6.93 Jan 01-Mar 31, 2024
Jan 01- Mar 31, 2024 7.12 6.97 Apr 01-June 30, 2024
Apr 01- June 30, 2024 7.04 6.89 Jul 01 – Sept 30, 2024
July 01- September 30 , 2024 6.79 6.68 Oct 01 – Dec 31, 2024
Between  October 01- December 30 , 2024 6.47 6.59 From Jan 01 – Mar 31, 2025

Anchor Rates are Average of Weighted Avg. Yield of Auction of 91 Days and 364 days TB undertaken by RBI during the calendar quarter

A) Applicable for New & Renewal of Existing FRTD accounts opened after Nov 01,2018
RATE APPLICABLE FROM January 01, 2025 to March 31, 2025 ( 91 -T Bill)
Tenor Anchor Rate Mark -up on average rate Effective rate for FRTD Senior Citizen
(Years) (%) (%) (%) (%)
1 6.47 0.50 6.97 7.47
2 6.47 0.50 6.97 7.47
3 6.47 0.50 6.97 7.47
5 6.47 0.40 6.87 7.37
7 6.47 0.20 6.67 7.17
10 6.47 0.20 6.67 7.17
>10 – 20 6.47 0.10 6.57 7.07
B) Applicable for Existing FRTD accounts opened during August 01, 2014 to Oct 31,2018
RATE APPLICABLE FROM January 01, 2025 to March 31, 2025 ( 364 -T Bill)
Tenor Anchor Rate Mark -up on average rate Effective rate for FRTD Senior Citizen
(Years) (%) (%) (%) (%)
1 6.59 1.00 7.59 8.09
2 6.59 0.75 7.34 7.84
3 6.59 0.75 7.34 7.84
5 6.59 0.75 7.34 7.84
7 6.59 0.75 7.34 7.84
10 6.59 1.00 7.59 8.09
>10 – 20 6.59 0.65 7.24 7.74
C) Applicable for Existing FRTD accounts opened prior to August 01, 2014
RATE APPLICABLE FROM January 01, 2025 to March 31, 2025 ( 364 -T Bill)
Tenor Anchor Rate Mark -up on average rate Effective rate for FRTD Senior Citizen
(Years) (%) (%) (%) (%)
1 6.59 1.00 7.59 8.09
2 6.59 1.10 7.69 8.19
3 6.59 1.25 7.84 8.34
5 6.59 1.25 7.84 8.34
7 6.59 1.35 7.94 8.44
10 6.59 1.40 7.99 8.49
>10 – 20 6.59 1.40 7.99 8.49

Terms & Conditions

  • Interest Payment - The interest on the deposit is payable quarterly on the last day of each quarter.
  • Interest Reset - Every 3 months, coinciding with calendar quarters - on April 1, July 1, October 1 and January 1 every year.
  • Minor's account - A minor alone cannot open an FRTD as the maturity amount cannot be determined at the time of opening the FRTD. Minor’s account to be can opened jointly with his/her guardian only.
  • Tax deduction at source - TDS applicable as per prevalent rules & regulations.
  • Premature Withdrawal -
    • a) Minimum Lock-in period: one year; No premature withdrawal up to one year.
    • b) After one year, the rate applicable, in the event of premature withdrawal, would be the average benchmark rate of the immediate preceding quarter with the mark up of applicable preceding tenor less 1% penalty e.g. If the depositor books deposit for 2 years and requests for a pre closure after 1year and 110 days the applicable rate would be the average benchmark of the preceding quarter of the last quarter the deposit had remained with the Bank (as applicable for the relevant quarter) plus the mark up of 1 year.
    • c) The calculation of interest shall be as per extant guidelines for term deposit carrying fixed rate.
  • Senior Citizen - Senior Citizens will be paid interest at 50 basis point higher that applicable FRTD rate.

Disclaimer - The mark-up would be revised at the Bank's discretion. The revised mark-up would be applicable only for fresh and renewal of existing deposits.

Suvidha Tax Saving Fixed Deposits (5 YEARS)

w.e.f. December 23, 2024
Normal Retail Rate 6.50
Senior Citizens 7.00

Systematic Savings Plan (SSP /SSP Plus)**** (w.e.f. December 23, 2024)

Maturity Slab Interest Rate (% p.a.)
General Customers Senior Citizens
1 Year to 2 Years 6.80 7.30
> 2 Years to <3 years 7:00 7:50
3 Years to 5 years 6.50 7.00
> 5 years to 10 years 6.25 6.75

Interest payable on Premature Withdrawal of Term Deposits- Interest payable on prematurely withdrawn deposits will be the rate applicable for the amount and the period for which the deposit remained with the Bank (rate applicable for that tenure on the original date of the deposit) For such premature withdrawals, including sweep-ins and partial withdrawals, the Bank will levy a penalty of 1%, on the applicable rate.

Mibor Linked Deposit (Effective from February 3, 2012)

Please contact our nearest branch for rate of interest and terms.

Retail Loans

Interest Rate structure for Structured Retail Asset (SRA) Products

RLLR SRA = 9.10% for new loans w.e.f. March 12, 2025

Floating ROI (Floating Rate Loans linked to Repo Linked Lending Rate -RLLR)

Home Loan
Plain Vanilla Home Loan (Purchase/Construction/Extension)
Category Rate of Interest
Salaried/Self Employed Professional 8.40% - 10.75%
Self Employed Non-Professional 8.50% - 12.25%
Home Loan Ultra Saver 8.80% - 12.65%
Home loan Top Up
Housing Purpose HL ROI + 20 BPS
Suvidha Top up (Non Housing purpose) HL ROI + 75 BPS
Plot Loan for House Construction 9.80% - 10.40%
Rural/Semi Urban Housing
Category Rate of Interest
Loan amount Up to Rs.35 Lakh Salaried/ Self Employed Professional 8.40% - 10.70%
Self Employed Non-Professional 8.70% - 10.80%

Mortgage Loan (ML)

Mortgage Loan (ML) Rate of Interest
Residential Property 9.50% - 11.45%
Commercial Property 10.00% - 11.70%
Loan for Commercial Property Purchase (LCPP) Rate of Interest
10.00% - 11.85%

Education Loan

Non-Vocational Courses including students who have secured admission under Management Quota

Up to Rs.7.5 lakhs  (studies in India and abroad)


Above Rs. 7.5 lakhs (studies in India)


Above Rs. 7.5 lakhs (studies abroad and studies in Premier Institutions abroad  )


Vocational/ Skill Development Courses

Vocational/ Skill Development Courses


Loans for students studying in Premier Education Institutes (including ISB)

For all IIMs, ISB & IITs


All Other Premier Institutions


Loan against Securities

ROI Range

        10.10% - 11.10%

Auto Loan

ROI Range

8.80% - 9.60%

Loan for Insurance Premium

ROI Range

8.40% - 12.65%

Fixed ROI: Home Loan

Plain Vanilla Home Loan including Rural / Semi Urban Housing Loan (Purchase/ Construction / Extension/Balance Transfer )

All loan Amounts For 3 Year Tenor For > 3 Year Tenor
  10.90% 12.00%
Plot Loan for house construction Rate of Interest

Fixed ROI : Mortgage Loan (ML)

Reverse Mortgage Loan (RML) (Fixed for 5 years)

Reverse Mortgage Loan (RML)
The RoI shall be reset every five years with prevailing Fixed Rate for Five Years.

Loan for Commercial Property Purchase (LCPP) ( Fixed for 5 years)

ROI Range 12.90%-13.05%

Mortgage Loan-Residential (Fixed for 5 years)

ROI Range 12.40%-12.55%

Mortgage Loan-Commercial & Loan against Rent Receivables (LARR) (Fixed for 5 years)

ROI Range 12.65%-12.80%

Education Loan  

Rate of interest
All the variants of Education Loan ( Fixed for 5 years) 11.50%

Personal Loan  

ROI Range 11.00% - 15.50%

Auto Loan  

ROI Range 9.20%-9.45%

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

Product Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
Home Loan 8.49%
Mortgage Loan 9.73%
Auto Loan 9.88%
Education Loan 8.50%
Personal Loan 14.70%
Loan against Securities 12.00%
Loan for Insurance premium 8.45%
*APR is calculated based on the Minimum Interest Rate , Maximum Tenor , Minimum Loan amount of the product and Minimum Charges Applicable ( Excluding taxes and Property Insurance)

Interest rate applicable for Retail Loans for Quarter End December 2024 is as under:

Product Name Minimum Interest rate Maximum Interest rate Mean Interest rate
Home Loan 8.45% 13.60% 8.84%
Mortgage Loan 9.20% 11.50% 9.89%
Auto Loan 8.75% 11.30% 9.08%
Education Loan 8.50% 11.50% 10.54%
Personal Loan 11.00% 15.50% 12.24%
Loan against Securities 10.20% 11.20% 10.43%
Loan for Insurance premium 8.45% 11.45% 9.06%

Loans to Physically Challenged Persons under NDFDC (National Divyangjan Finance and Development Corporation) Guidelines- Refinance scheme

Home Loan

Loan Amount Rate of interest (fixed)
Less than Rs. 50,000 5 % p.a.
Above Rs. 50,000 to Rs.5 lakhs 6 % p.a.
Above Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 50 lakhs 7 % p.a.

Auto Loan

Loan Amount Rate of interest (fixed)
Less than Rs. 50,000 5 % p.a.
Above Rs. 50,000 to Rs.5 lakhs 6 % p.a.
Above Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 15 lakhs 7 % p.a.
Above Rs. 15 lakhs to Rs. 30 lakhs 8 % p.a.
Above Rs. 30 lakhs to Rs.50 lakhs 9 % p.a.

Personal Loan

Loan Amount Rate of interest (fixed)
Less than Rs. 50,000 5 % p.a.
Above Rs. 50,000 to Rs.5 lakhs 6 % p.a.
Above Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 15 lakhs 7 % p.a.

Education Loan

Loan Amount Rate of interest (fixed)
Upto Rs.50 Lakh 4% p.a.

Interest rates on Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

(RLLR Effective from February 12, 2025 - 9.10 % p.a.)

Card Rate for MSME Loans upto ₹200 lakh
Minimum Maximum Average Remark
RLLR+0.35 RLLR+ 7.20 RLLR+3.775 Applicable rate is subject to Rating/ Scoring
Card Rate for MSME Loans above ₹200 lakh
Minimum Maximum Average Remark
RLLR+0.10 RLLR+4.75 RLLR+2.425 Applicable rate is subject to Rating/ Scoring
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) *
Range of Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for 5 years loan tenor under MSME 9.20 % to 16.81 %

* APR is an indicative rate to know the overall cost of the loan on the date of availing the loan. The actual rate may vary on the basis of various factors like Credit Scoring/ Rating of the borrower. Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of this APR.

ROI For Agri Credit

Kisan Credit Card (KCC):

KCC under Interest Subvention benefit:

Credit limit Card Rate
Up to ₹ 3 lakh (including crop loan + working capital loan to Animal Husbandry and Fisheries with maximum limit upto ₹ 2 lakh) 7% (As per RBI guidelines /Govt. guidelines on interest Subvention Scheme)

*KCC availed at Rural and Semi urban Branches of the Bank shall only be eligible for interest subvention benefits.

KCC without Interest Subvention:

Credit limit Card Rate
Up to ₹ 25 lakh - SFMF MCLR (Y) + 1.25%
Up to ₹ 25 lakh - Non- SFMF


  1. Non-Subvention rate of interest will applied in all expired KCC accounts.
  2. Interest subvention will be calculated on the loan amount from the date of disbursement/drawal up to the date of actual repayment of the loan by the farmer or up to the due date of the loan fixed by the bank, whichever is earlier, subject to a maximum period of one year.

For Loans other than KCC upto Rs. 25 lakh qualifying as Agricultural advances (common for WC/STLs/TLs)

Particulars Card Rate
For SFMF MCLR (Y) + 1.00%
For Non-SFMF - above 70 % score
For Non-SFMF - below 70% score MCLR (Y) + 2.00%
For Non-individuals (other than NCF)

Card Rate for Agri Loans above Rs. 25 lakh and upto Rs. 2 crore (common for WC/STLs/TLs)

3 Months / 6 Months / 1 Year
Scoring Slab (%) Card rate
95 & above MCLR + 140 bps
80 to 94.99 MCLR + 230 bps
70 to 79.99 MCLR + 315 bps
55 to 69.99 MCLR + 405 bps
Less than 55 MCLR + 515 bps

Card Rate for Agri Loans above Rs. 2 crore (common for WC/STLs/TLs)

3 Months / 6 Months / 1 Year
External / Internal Rating (Product Scoring %) Card rate
AAA (95 & above) MCLR + 10 bps
AA (80 to 94.99) MCLR + 15 bps
A (70 to 79.99) MCLR + 30 bps
BBB /Unrated (55 to 69.99) MCLR + 180 bps
Below BBB (Less than 55) MCLR + 370 bps

Loans to Food & Agro Processing Units with classification under PSL-Agriculture

Card rate for Food & Agro Processing up to Rs. 2 crore – Not covered under CGTMSE

Rating Slab / Scoring Card rate
AAA (Score 95 & above) Repo +280 bps
AA (Score 80 to 94.99) Repo + 405 bps
A (Score 70 to 79.99) Repo + 460 bps
BBB / Unrated (Score 55 to 69.99) Repo + 620 bps
Below BBB (Score Less than 55) Repo+ 820 bps

Card rate for Food & Agro Processing above Rs. 2 crore – Not covered under CGTMSE

Rating Slab / Scoring Card rate
AAA  (Score 95 & above) Repo+280 bps
AA (Score 80 to 94.99) Repo+285 bps
A (Score 70 to 79.99) Repo+290 bps
BBB / Unrated (Score 55 to 69.99) Repo+410 bps
Below BBB (Score Less than 55) Repo+595 bps

Card rate for Food & Agro Processing units – Covered under CGTMSE

Rating Slab / Scoring Card rate
AAA (Score 95 & above) Repo+280 bps
AA (Score 80 to 94.99) Repo+355 bps
A (Score 70 to 79.99) Repo+400 bps
BBB/ Unrated (Score 55 to 69.99) Repo+535 bps
Below BBB (Score Less than 55) Repo +725 bps
Card Rate for Loans under Agri Infrastructure Fund
Credit limit Interest Rate
Up to Rs. 2 crore MCLR (H) + 1.00% (9.80%) or 9% whichever is lower
Above Rs. 2 crore MCLR (Y) + 1.00%
Card Rate for Ware House Receipts Loans

Finance to SFMF having KCC limit with IDBI Bank, against NWR/ e-NWR Issued by WDRA accredited warehouses:

Credit Limit ROI
Up to Rs. 3 lakh 7%* (As per RBI guidelines)

* Benefit under Interest Subvention Scheme to farmers having Kisan Credit Card for further period up to six months post- harvest against negotiable warehouse receipts subject to RBI/GoI guidelines.

Finance against Warehouse Receipts (WHR) to Individual Farmers:

Credit Limit Card rate
(i) Upto Rs. 75 lakh against NWR/ e-NWRs Against e-NWR: MCLR (Y)
(ii) Upto Rs.50 lakh against WHR other than NWRs/e-NWRs Others: MCLR (Y) + 0.10%

(ii) NSRA-Agri WHR loans other than the point (i) and (ii) above:

Rating Card Rate (*)
A / equivalent to Score above 80% upto 94.99% RLLR + 0.10%
BBB / equivalent to Score of 60% upto 79.99% RLLR + 0.20%
BB / equivalent to Score of above 55% upto 59.99%
(Assistance to be against eNWR only)
RLLR + 0.80%

(*) Collateral Management Charges shall be recovered separately if applicable at actual

(iii) Finance against Warehouse Receipts (WHR) Loans - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) including Traders:

Rating Card Rate (*)
AA and above / equivalent to Score 95% and above RLLR + 0.10%
A / equivalent to Score above 80% upto 94.99% RLLR + 0.20%
BBB / equivalent to Score of 60% upto 79.99% RLLR + 0.30%
BB / equivalent to Score of above 55% upto 59.99%
(Assistance to be against e-NWR only)
RLLR + 0.90%

(*) Collateral Management Charges shall be recovered separately, if applicable, at actuals.

Interest Rates on Micro Loans
Particulars Min Interest Rate
Through Branch Channel (For government sponsored schemes only) MCLR (Y) + 1.75%
Through Corporate BC Channel 8.75% to 14 % + BC commission Presently, Minimum : 13.75 % (including BC commission) Maximum : 25 % (including BC commission)
Micro loan under NRLM scheme
For loans up to Rs.3.00 lakh 7.00% p.a.
For loans above Rs.3.00 lakh and up to Rs.5.00 lakh MCLR (Y) or 10% p.a. whichever is lower
For loans above Rs.5.00 lakh MCLR (Y) +1.75% p.a.