IDBI Bank Soft Token
IDBI Bank Soft Token
IDBI Bank Soft Token is a Bank wide in-app authentication mechanism to authenticate transactions without relying on SMS based OTP. Currently, it has been implemented and being used by Bank’s Go Mobile+ Application and Internet Banking customers. IDBI Bank’s Softoken application is hosted on “Google Play Store” on android device or “APP Store” on iOS devices using which customers can register, enable and generate soft token.
Key Features of Soft Token based Authentication
- Single-Use Dynamic Number
- Strong Seed Data Encryption Method
- Peer-to-Peer Identification and Authentication
- Flexible and Easy-to-Use
- Unique Soft-Token for each Transaction
- Simple & Positive End-User Experience
- Secured against attack
Scan the QR code and Download IDBI Bank’s IDBI Bank Soft Token App

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