About Us

To be the most preferred and trusted bank enhancing value for all stakeholders.
Delighting customers with our excellent service and comprehensive suite of best-in-class financial solutions.
Touching more people’s lives with our expanding Retail footprint while maintaining our excellence in Corporate, keeping in mind the evolving challenges and opportunities such as climate risk, green financing etc.
Deploying world class technology, systems and processes to improve business efficiency, comply with regulatory norms and adopt best risk management and compliance practices
Encouraging a positive, dynamic and performance-driven work culture focused on holistic development of employees, to build a passionate, committed and future-ready workforce.
Continuing to act in a fair, transparent and ethical manner, to be a benchmark for good corporate governance.
Relentlessly striving to become a greener and socially responsible bank.
Company Profile
IDBI Bank Ltd., today, is operating as a full service universal bank that serves the customers from all segments.
IDBI Bank Ltd. has inherited a rich legacy from its predecessor entity - Industrial Development Bank of India – which was an apex Development Financial Institution (DFI) in the realm of industry from July 1, 1964 to September 30, 2004. As a DFI, the erstwhile IDBI stretched its canvas beyond mere project financing to cover an array of services that contributed towards balanced geographical spread of industries, development of identified backward areas, emergence of a new spirit of enterprise and evolution of a deep and vibrant capital market.
On October 1, 2004, the erstwhile IDBI was converted into a banking company – IDBI Ltd. - to undertake the entire gamut of banking activities while continuing to play its secular DFI role. Desirous of fuelling its business growth, IDBI Ltd. merged its subsidiaries - the erstwhile IDBI Bank, IDBI Home Finance Ltd., IDBI Gilts, the erstwhile United Western Bank Ltd., with itself over a period of time. IDBI Ltd. also changed its name to IDBI Bank Ltd. to reflect its widened business functions.
As an universal bank, IDBI Bank Ltd. touches the lives of millions of Indians through a wide array of banking products and services. Besides, the Bank has an established presence in associated financial sector businesses including capital market, investment banking and mutual fund business. The Bank’s very business philosophy is characterised by the commitment to provide relevant financial solutions, ensure maximum customer convenience through easy access to branches and ATMs as well as digital offerings and excellence in customer service.
Going forward, IDBI Bank is strongly committed to work towards emerging as ‘most preferred and trusted bank enhancing value for all stakeholders’.
of providing Banking Solutions since July 1, 1964
Across India
Across India
Balance Sheet size as on March 31, 2024
Our Journey
Board of Directors
Chief Vigilance Officer

Smt. Asha Rajiv
Chief Vigilance Officer
Executive Directors
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Financial Reports
Classification of IDBI Bank
IDBI Bank Limited has been categorized as a ‘Private Sector Bank’ for regulatory purposes by Reserve Bank Of India with effect from January 21, 2019, consequent upon Life Insurance Corporation Of India acquiring 51% of the total paid-up equity share capital of the bank. [Press Release: 2018-2019/2194 Dated March 14, 2019]
Department of Cooperative Bank Regulation, Reserve Bank of India has issued a clarification that for the purpose of maintenance of cash reserves (CRR) by non-scheduled co-operative banks in terms of Section 18 read with Section 56 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the ‘net balance in current accounts’ shall, in relation to a co-operative bank, continue to include, inter alia, the excess, if any, of the aggregate of the credit balances in the current account maintained by that co-operative bank with IDBI Bank Ltd over the aggregate of the credit balances in current accounts held by IDBI Bank Ltd with such co-operative bank, till further instructions.
Department of Financial Services (DFS), Government of India (GoI) vide its communication F.No. 8/2/2019-BO-II dated December 17, 2019, has directed all Central/State Governments/Departments/ Agencies /Institutions to continue to consider IDBI Bank for allocation of Government Business keeping in view that the direct and indirect shareholding of GoI in IDBI Bank is over 97%.
Based on GoI’s above communication, Railway Board, Ministry of Railways has advised all Railway units accordingly vide letter no. 2019/ACII/9/11 dated January 2, 2020. The DFS has also advised the Ministry Of Shipping separately vide office memorandum dated January 6, 2020, for parking of surplus funds by Port Trusts with IDBI Bank.